Who You Are Matters

Where do I come from? 

I come from western Massachusetts, an often overlooked place with awesome history and cool trees. 

Where am I going? 

It’s cliché to say, but wherever opportunity takes me. As of right now I love entertainment and want to discover what the next big revolution will be in the industry and work at the forefront. I don’t want to have an exact destination because at least for now, I want my life to constantly evolve and allow me to experience as much as possible in the time I’m here. 

How will I get there? 

Embrace my life with an open mind and find passion in everything I do. This will allow me to keep the energy to work diligently as I move forward. Never fly too close to the sun. Form relationships with people in which we inspire and challenge eachother. In the times I inevitably fail, embrace it as an opportunity to start again. 

How am I like my parents? 

Both my parents are from South Boston, so I’ve learned to swear a lot and say some words funny. They’re both very passionate people, not always for the right reasons, but they’re quick to galvanize in defense of what they believe is right. 
How am I not like my parents? 

Both of my parents are more cynical than I am. I tend to embrace things as they come, while they are often a bit more standoffish to the new and the other. I don’t blame them; they both had much harder lives. I’ve had the privilege of having opportunities that they never had, such as going here and being able to pursue my passions. 

Have I developed my own expectations for myself? 

I would love to say completely, but I can’t deny the heavy influence that the world and my upbringing have imprinted on me; however, on a surface level, I believe I have. There’s something enchanting about those who are so confidently in love with what they do and how they live their life. I think if I become that person it doesn’t matter what others’ expectations of me are, they’ll see I made the best choices for me. 

I would say President Theodore Roosevelt serves as a role model to me of someone who combined passion and responsibility within their life. Not only was he someone who desperately craved adventure, but he fought diligently for his country and justice for its inhabitants. 

I feel a connection with the great white shark. When I was very young I watched Jaws and it made me horrified to go in the ocean. For a while I hated sharks, but my fear turned into an interest, which turned into an appreciation. They taught me that sometimes the unknown and frightening make the world much more engaging. 

One time when I was a toddler, I ate wild poisonous mushrooms and almost died. Now I think it’s a funny story. 

Sun: Capricorn 
Moon: Virgo 
Rising: Virgo


  1. Het Kevin! it was great reading your blog and to learn more about you. It was refreshing to read that you don't have an exact plan but follow a more of a go with the flow lifestyle. I'm the same way and I feel like most people aren't like us. I also really liked your outlook on your expectations for yourself and how they have grown. Good luck!

  2. Hey Kevin,

    Related to your mindset of going wherever opportunity takes you. I think many people seem to have their 10-year and 20-year plans all figured out but more realistically you only really know what's going to happen for the next 30 minutes, I really like that you're taking things a step at a time and letting yourself experience whatever life has in store for you.


  3. Hello Kevin,

    I like your comments on being open and embracing opportunity. I generally engage life with the same type of outlook.

    I thought it was interesting that you identify with an animal that you think is frightening.

    Also, cool space picture on your blog. I like space pictures.


  4. Hi Kevin,

    I also think it's amazing to see people love what they do and how they live their life. I think those people usually show me that no matter how hard life gets your perspective can shape your experience.

    I also liked how you turned your fear of sharks into a life lesson. I often think about all the creatures under the ocean that we haven't discovered yet. I wonder what lesson they could teach us.

    I have a question. Since you lived to tell the tale, do you remember how the mushroom tasted?

    1. Haha I can't say I exactly remember, but saying as I dug it off a mossy stump, probably dirt with a hint of cedar.

  5. Hi Kevin,

    I really appreciated your answer to the where you're going question. It seems like there's so much emphasis put on mapping the future and knowing exactly what one will do, and I personally find it unrealistic and overwhelming.Framing failure as opportunity is also super important, and something I'm currently working on.

    Also love your blog theme!



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