Book 2 - Post #1

 The second book I'm choosing to read for the second half of the semester is "On Tyranny Graphic Edition." I've heard about the original version of this book before in recommended reading lists before. I'm a fan of political discourse, although I admit I don't read about it as much as I would like to. This book seemed like a good opportunity to get that reading in a very digestible format. I was a little apprehensive about the book itself, as it seemed like it might try to be topical at the risk of being sensationalized. I am however interested in the topic of tyranny and oppression, particularly in Eastern Europe.

So far, the book has been easy to read and relatively interesting. Some of the points being made seem common sense, while others are definitely more insightful than others. I'm not sure if I enjoy the format of the writing. It seems there is not enough information on each page to provide deeper knowledge. The pictures are certainly cool, but not necessarily supplementary to the writing. It is also a very easy read, and I'm not sure something as complex as a topic of tyranny should be oversimplified. So far there has not been too much sensationalism, but it still feels strange to compare modern American politics to something as extreme as the holocaust.


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